Friday 24 March 2017

Spy On Texts - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

How To Spy On Texts

For all sorts of good reasons, an individual may wish to know how to intercept texts and how to monitor texts on IPhones specifically. There is a variety of software available from companies such as Hero Searches, Safeguarde and SurePoint amongst others to make this possible. However, not all of the reasons people wish to spy on other's texts are necessarily good. 

The Good

On the positive side, there are a number of "relationships" where such activity would be considered reasonable, and perhaps even desirable or essential. One would be parent and child. Nowadays, most kids have access to a cell phone, around 80% of teenagers in the USA have, therefore it's something most parents have to face up to. This brings risks - cyberbullying, malicious calls, sexting, contact with undesirable friends and acquaintances amongst them. 

Another situation might be Employers and Employees. As part of the employment relationship there is an implicit expectation that neither will harm the other, therefore the employer has to take steps to protect themselves against damaging behaviours of the employee, such as making an unreasonable number of private calls on their company cell phone, visiting inappropriate websites and even contacting competitors to provide information. A third situation would be Government Agencies and Criminals. Agencies such as the CIA, the FBI, the Police etc. have to use every tool available in their fight against crime and terrorism, including monitoring cell phone usage.

The Bad and The Ugly

As well as the numerous good reasons to monitor text traffic, there are some situations where the "spy" is not acting with the best intent. Jealous partners, over-controlling employers and over-zealous parents may step over the line of reasonableness when deciding what and how much to monitor. There have been instances where individuals have installed spy on text on their partner's cell phone without foundation and tried to monitor every move their partner made, utilizing GPS data as well as cell phone call and text traffic to do this. Whilst the monitoring software, including those mentioned in the opening paragraph, can do this, it is hardly what it is intended for and is certainly not advised.

If you would like to find out more, visit Safeguarde.

Tags: how to monitor texts on iPhone, spy on text, how to intercept texts 

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